I supplementi alimentari funzionali in forma di gomma da masticare offrono un modo unico e piacevole per supportare i tuoi obiettivi di salute e benessere. Disponibili in blister e barattoli, queste gomme da masticare sono infuse con nutrienti essenziali e ingredienti attivi, fornendo un'opzione comoda e discreta per la supplementazione in movimento. Sono perfette per le persone che preferiscono un approccio più interattivo e saporito al loro regime di salute. Che tu stia cercando di rinfrescare l'alito mentre aumenti la tua energia o supporti la funzione cognitiva, queste gomme da masticare funzionali offrono benefici ad ogni masticata.
Il design innovativo dei supplementi alimentari funzionali in gomma da masticare li rende una scelta attraente per coloro che cercano un modo nuovo per migliorare l'assunzione nutrizionale. Sono facili da trasportare e consumare, rendendoli ideali per le persone impegnate che necessitano di una soluzione rapida ed efficace. Con un focus sulla qualità e sul gusto, queste gomme da masticare sono realizzate per fornire il massimo beneficio garantendo un'esperienza piacevole. Scegliendo i supplementi di gomma da masticare funzionali, stai abbracciando un approccio moderno ed efficace per mantenere la tua salute e il tuo benessere.
Tapioca Starch is obtained from processing tapioca, using a natural mechanical process. This starch is produced from 100% tapioca. Allergen statement available on request.
Packaging:Paper Bag 25kg Big Bag 700kg Big Bag 1000kg
Quantity:5,000kg - 48,000kg
Esplora il sapore ricco e corposo del CASTELGREVE Chianti Classico DOCG. Prodotti in Italia con uve selezionate, questa bottiglia da 75 cl offre una qualità eccellente. Perfetto per accompagnare pasti e cene speciali, il CASTELGREVE lascia un gusto piacevole sul palato. Ordina ora e assapora il meglio della Toscana.
Chickpea Protein is a nutritious and flavorful protein powder derived from chickpeas. It is packed with essential nutrients, including fiber, iron, and plant-based proteins, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a plant-based protein source. Chickpea Protein can be added to smoothies, baking recipes, and savory dishes to boost protein intake and promote satiety. With its versatility and health benefits, Chickpea Protein is a valuable ingredient for anyone aiming for a balanced and nutritious diet.
Moringa Oleifera – auch als „Wunderbaum“ und Meerrettichbaum (Schotenbaum) bekannt – ist ein schnell wachsender, ästhetischer Baum, der ursprünglich aus dem Himalaya stammt.
Er kann innerhalb eines Jahres bis zu 4 m hoch wachsen und erreicht eine Höhe von 15 m, wenn er vollständig ausgewachsen ist.
Er überlebt in trockenen Wüstenklimaten ebenso wie in tropischen Regenwäldern. Seine erstaunlichen gesundheitlichen Vorteile gehen Hand in Hand mit seinen großartigen Vorteilen für die Natur, dank seiner schnell wachsenden Eigenschaften, z. B. verhindert er die Wüstenbildung und dient oft sehr armen Einheimischen als Existenzgrundlage.
Fast alle Teile des Baumes sind essbar. Das ultimative Gute findet sich jedoch in seinen Blättern. Moringa Oleifera gilt als das absolute Nonplusultra unter den nährstoffreichen Pflanzen.
Moringa enthält mehr wertvolle Nährstoffe als jede andere Pflanze. Die hohe Konzentration an wertvollen Nährstoffen ist besonders nützlich für Menschen mit hohen Nährstoffbedürfnissen, wie Sportler, schwangere Frauen, Workaholics sowie für Vegetarier.
Bio-Pulver rein: 200 g
Bio-Detox-Tee, 100 % Teeblätter: 100 g Beutel
Herkunft: Afrika
These slaughter products are originated from animals cattle and lamb, which are being examined by veterinary before being killed; and found healthy. Raw material is approved by official vet.
Physically chemical properties:
Color: Light brown to yellow brown
Odor: Characteristic, without extraneous odor
Appearance: Fine powder without mechanical particles
Rote Linsen sind gesund und beinhalten wertvolle Ballaststoffe und Eiweiß. Mit ihrem süßlichen Geschmack überzeugt die rote Linse fast jeden, und kann in vielen Gerichten eingesetzt werden.
"What is Xylitol (Birch sugar)?
Xylitol is found as a natural sugar alcohol in many vegetables, fruits and the bark of different trees. Our birch sugar is made exclusively from birch and beech wood from Scandinavia. The Xylitol is extracted from the wood sugar (xylose) in a very complex way. Finely chopped wood is mixed with water. The wood-water mixture is then purified and filtered until all other substances are completely separated from the xylitol.
Birch sugar is suitable for diabetics
Birch sugar has slightly less sweetening power as the familiar refined (white) table sugar but affects the blood sugar only slightly. This sugar is very suitable for diabetics, the glycemic value is only 7.
Beer Sugar Benefits
Xylitol has a moisturizing effect on the skin and can increase the amount of hyaluronic acid in the skin. Xylitol is a natural alternative to sugar. Xylitol can be found in almost every toothpaste, and it is often found in chewing gum fo…"
Dive into a culinary revelation with our Sunflower Oil – your liquid sunshine for recipes. From sizzling pans to the heart of your plate, embrace the cornucopia of rich flavors that take center stage.
Der halbautomatische pneumatische Schalensiegler TSS125-SKIN ist eine Maschine mit Wagen, die für maximale Flexibilität ausgelegt ist. Alle Versiegelungsparameter sind personalisierbar, und es können bis zu 10 verschiedene Programme gespeichert werden. Zu den zahlreichen Versiegelungsweisen gehört die Versiegelung mit SKIN-Technologie. Mit diesem System können Sie Ihren Produkten eine "zweite Haut" verleihen, wobei die Frische erhalten bleibt und das Ergebnis eine besondere ästhetische Wirkung hat.
Maße: 590 mm x 750 mm x 1.440 mm
Gewicht: Ca. 170 kg
Maximale Höhe der Schalen: 100 (optional 150) mm
Größe des Siegelwerkzeugs: 420 mm x 280 mm
Maximale Filmgröße: Ø 250 mm x 470 mm
Zyklen pro Minute: 3 - 8
Luftverbrauch: 6 Nl/c
Pneumatische Versorgung: 6 - 8 bar
Gasversorgung: 3 bar
Leistung: 3,5 kW
Stromversorgung: 380 V 3 P + N + T 16 A
Maße :590 mm x 750 mm x 1.440 mm
Gewicht :ca. 170 kg
Maximale Höhe der Schalen :100 (optional 150) mm
Größe des Siegelwerkzeugs :420 mm x 280 mm
Maximale Filmgröße :Ø 250 mm x 470 mm
Zyklen pro Minute :3 - 8
Luftverbrauch :6 Nl/c
Pneumatische Versorgung :6 - 8 bar
Gasversorgung :3 bar
Leistung :3,5 kW
Stromversorgung :380 V 3 P + N + T 16 A
La fibra de coco, también conocida como coir, es un material natural derivado de la cáscara del coco. Este recurso sostenible y renovable ha ganado popularidad en diversas industrias debido a sus múltiples beneficios y aplicaciones. A continuación, exploraremos en profundidad las ventajas de la fibra de coco y cómo puede transformar diferentes aspectos de tu vida y negocio.
1. Sostenibilidad y Eco-Amigabilidad
Uno de los mayores beneficios de la fibra de coco es su carácter sostenible. Al ser un subproducto de la industria del coco, su uso ayuda a reducir los residuos.
2. Versatilidad en Aplicaciones
La fibra de coco es increíblemente versátil y se utiliza en una amplia gama de productos.
3. Propiedades Físicas Excepcionales
Las propiedades físicas de la fibra de coco la hacen especialmente valiosa.
4. Beneficios para la Salud del Suelo
En el ámbito agrícola, la fibra de coco es un recurso invaluable.
5. Durabilidad y Resistencia
La fibra de coco es conocida por su durabilidad.
Most popular Korean spicy noodles gets a stew version. This product is Samyang’s Hot Chicken flavour Ramen Stew type in a 145g packet. Known in traditional Korean language by the name ‘Buldak Bokkeum Tang Myeon’, this product is a little less spicy than the original hot chicken ramen. This version is served in more watery soup and thus it is termed as a stew-type.
La banana in polvere bio è un prodotto ottenuto dalla disidratazione e macinazione delle banane biologiche mature. La banana in polvere è ricca di vitamine e minerali essenziali, tra cui la vitamina C, la vitamina B6, il potassio e il magnesio. Questi nutrienti supportano la salute del cuore, il funzionamento del sistema nervoso e l'equilibrio elettrolitico nel corpo. Inoltre, è una buona fonte di fibre alimentari, che favoriscono la digestione e aiutano a mantenere un senso di sazietà.
Mit unserer Business Unit Tobacco erfüllen wir die Bedüfnisse unserer Kunden und bieten Ihnen eine vielfältige Auswahl an innovativen Geschmacksrichtungen – und das von höchster Qualität.
Im Portfolio der Steamaromen bieten wir Ihnen eine große Auswahl für Ihre Anwendung im Wasserpfeifentabak und lassen so keine Ihrer Wünsche offen. Unsere Geschmacksrichtungen basieren auf intensiver Forschung, um den Ansprüchen Ihrer Kunden perfekt zu entsprechen.
Dodatki żywieniowe dla zwierząt to niezwykle ważne elementy diety, które pomagają wspierać zdrowie, kondycję i samopoczucie zwierząt domowych oraz hodowlanych. Wzbogacenie codziennego pożywienia o naturalne składniki odżywcze, witaminy, minerały i substancje bioaktywne pozwala na zaspokojenie specyficznych potrzeb żywieniowych i wspiera prawidłowy rozwój organizmu.
Jednym z popularnych dodatków są kwasy tłuszczowe omega-3 i omega-6, które wpływają na zdrową skórę i lśniącą sierść, a także wspomagają prawidłowe funkcjonowanie układu odpornościowego i nerwowego. Suplementy z glukozaminą i chondroityną są szczególnie cenione w diecie starszych psów i kotów, ponieważ wspierają zdrowie stawów i ich mobilność. Probiotyki i prebiotyki z kolei pomagają w utrzymaniu zdrowej flory bakteryjnej jelit, poprawiając trawienie i przyswajanie składników odżywczych.
Zioła takie jak pokrzywa, mniszek lekarski czy ostropest plamisty stanowią doskonałe uzupełnienie diety zwierząt, wspierając naturalne procesy oczyszczania organizmu oraz funkcje wątroby i nerek. Spirulina i chlorella dostarczają wielu mikroelementów i są bogate w białko, co sprawia, że są idealne dla aktywnych zwierząt wymagających większej ilości energii. Ekstrakty z żurawiny i borówki wspierają zdrowie układu moczowego, co jest istotne zwłaszcza w przypadku kotów.
Dodatki żywieniowe dla zwierząt to także środki wspomagające odporność, poprawiające jakość sierści, wspierające zdrowe stawy oraz pomagające w redukcji stresu i napięcia. Wprowadzenie takich składników do diety zwierząt pozwala nie tylko na zapobieganie problemom zdrowotnym, ale również na zapewnienie długiego i zdrowego życia, odpowiadając na potrzeby właścicieli poszukujących holistycznych, naturalnych rozwiązań dla swoich pupili.
Snickers Chocolate is a beloved treat that combines nougat, caramel, peanuts, and milk chocolate for a satisfying snack. We export and supply Snickers in various sizes, including 100g, 160g, and 200g, making it perfect for any occasion. Whether you're looking for a quick snack or a sweet treat to share, Snickers delivers on taste and satisfaction. Our commitment to quality ensures that you receive the best chocolate experience with every bite.
Textured Pea Protein VG Titans P65-L is a dry product obtained through extrusion, suitable for hydrating and using in plant-based products like burgers, sausages, cold cuts, fillings, and as an additive to meat and poultry products. With a minimum of 65% pea protein, this product comes in large chunks and has a water absorption ratio of 1:2, with a recommended hydration time of 45 minutes. It is packaged in an 8kg PE bag and is ideal for creating plant-based burgers, sausages, cutlets, chicken, Bolognese sauce, and minced meat.
Pizza Oven Logs In Nets are specially designed for culinary enthusiasts and professional chefs who want to achieve authentic wood-fired pizza results. These thinly cut logs are made from mixed hardwoods, ensuring a quick and easy ignition that reaches the desired cooking temperature rapidly. With a moisture content of less than 20%, these logs produce minimal smoke, preserving the natural flavors of your pizza and providing a crisp, tasty wood-fired base.
Using Pizza Oven Logs In Nets allows you to master the art of wood-fired cooking with ease. The carefully selected hardwoods, such as birch, ash, and oak, ensure consistent heat output and prevent fluctuations in cooking temperature. Whether you're hosting a pizza party at home or running a wood-fired pizza restaurant, these logs offer the perfect solution for creating delicious, professional-quality pizzas. Delivered nationwide, Pizza Oven Logs In Nets provide convenience and reliability for all your wood-fired cooking needs.
We have been asked over and over again for a pure beef liver powder, ask no more. We have sourced yet again another premium quality product. This 100% pure beef liver powder is a great addition to any bait, great for pretty much any bait application. This highly attractive/Soluble liver powder has a whopping 67% protein level along with great palpability and nutritional properties hence being used in the fishing bait/feed industry for as long as we can remember, definitely not one to be missed, especially during the colder months.
Recommended inclusion level is up to 100g per kg base mix, depending on other solubles being used within your mix.
Great multi-range product, useful for feed applications/ spod/stick/base/pellet mixes etc.
Moisture 5%
Protein 67%
Ash 6%
Fat 20%
Awaken your senses with the vibrant and zesty Pilot breakfast mango orange apple banana, a breakfast blend that combines the tropical sweetness of mangoes, the citrusy tang of oranges, the crispness of apples, and the smoothness of bananas. This blend is perfect for those who seek a refreshing and invigorating start to their day, offering a burst of flavor that will leave you feeling energized and ready to take on the world.
Pilot breakfast mango orange apple banana is not only a delicious choice but also a nutritious one. Packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, this breakfast option supports your immune system and promotes digestive health. Whether you enjoy it as a smoothie, a topping for your yogurt, or a standalone snack, this blend is a versatile and delightful way to kickstart your morning with a burst of tropical goodness.
Crushed red chili is a popular spice known for its varying levels of heat, from mild to extremely spicy. It is used in stews, soups, and bean dishes, and is a staple in Hispanic cuisine. Red chili enhances the flavor of tomato-based stews, sauces, and soups, and is used in oriental noodle dishes. To maintain its potency, crushed red chili should be stored in airtight containers, away from light and moisture.
El llavero tortuga pelo de 8 cm es una opción divertida y única para aquellos que buscan un accesorio que destaque. Este llavero viene en un set de cuatro diseños variados, lo que lo convierte en un regalo ideal para amigos o para coleccionar. Su diseño inspirado en la cultura japonesa no solo es atractivo, sino que también es un excelente tema de conversación. Fabricado con materiales de calidad, este llavero es duradero y resistente, asegurando que puedas disfrutar de su belleza durante mucho tiempo. Perfecto para cualquier amante de la cultura pop o de la gastronomía japonesa.
Syntech Poliurea Spray - FC
Syntech Poliurea Spray - FC is a pure aromatic polyurea specifically designed for contact with food substances and drinking water. 100% solid does not contain VOC and can only be applied by spraying using suitable bimixer machines. It is aromatic and is characterized by a high degree of elongation. It is a coating elastomer obtained from the reaction of an aromatic type isocyanate with an amine. PURE POLYUREA SUITABLE FOR FOOD CONTACT.
Resistance to laceration: 100 +/- 5 KN/m
Tensile strength: 20 +/- 2 Mpa
Advantages of the system:
- Safe application even on irregular substrates, vertical or with large slopes.
- Possibility to create continuous layers, free of critical protuberances created by common joints.
- Possibility to create high performance, very thin layers, with low specific weight.
- Possibility to perform maintenance and/or repairs easy and efficiently.
Syntech Poliurea Spray - FC is particularly used as waterproofing on concrete or as a protective coating for water containment tanks, primary containment, driveways and parking lots, purification plants, EPS coating, coating and protection of sheet metal, roofs, balconies and canopies in wood, tanks and pools, seamlessly without interruptions.
The support on which the polyurea system must be laid must be suitable for withstanding the stresses resulting from the intended use, such as static or dynamic loads, impacts, thermo-hygrometric dilations, vibrations, etc. As regards the characteristics of the substrate (maximum humidity, cohesion, strength class, flatness, etc.) and the preparation of the surface that will accommodate the resin system, we recommend the requirements set out in chapter 5 of the UNI 10966 standard ("RESIN SYSTEMS FOR SURFACES HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL - INSTRUCTIONS FOR DESIGN AND APPLICATION "). In any case, carefully clean and degrease the surfaces, removing any kind of dirt, paint residues or incoherent parts. The humidity of the support must be <= 3%. Evaluate the most convenient type of mechanical preparation (shot peening, sandblasting, hydro-washing, etc.). The surfaces must also be free from discontinuity, and possibly leveled and regularized with products from the FLOOR line or the REPAR line. In case of presence (even suspected) of humidity deriving from capillary rising from the substrate, it is recommended to apply in advance the epoxy resin for "wet substrates" Syntech Pavidamp. Tiled floors, or floors covered with pre-existing resin, must be subjected to mechanical roughening carried out with shot blasting, milling, bush hammering, etc., until the total elimination of the waterproof crust and the opacification of the surfaces. Remove dust after abrasion. It is recommended to use Primer from the SYNTECH POLIUREA PRIMER range. On particularly absorbent substrates, to avoid the formation of craters / blowholes on the surface of the freshly sprayed product, it is recommended to use primers from the SYNTECH POLIUREA PRIMER range, always contacting the Azichem technical staff for clarification on the most suitable type to use. Apply several layers of primer until the porosity is saturated and providing a light dusting with clean and dry quartz sand (0.4-0.7 mm). Never dust off the primer. Provide suitable elastic sealing systems to cover joints, fittings, cracks or fissures subject to significant movements.
Pure polyurea Syntech Poliurea Spray - FC requires a bimixer system capable of producing pressure above 180 bar and temperatures above 65°C. Contact Azichem technical staff for clarification on the best gun to use and details of the system air.
From 2,00 to 2,50 kg of SYNTYECH POLIUREA SPRAY - FC for each square metre of surface to be covered.
Barrel 225 kg [A] - Barrel 205 kg [B] - Kit: 1 Barrel 225 kg [A] + 1 Barrel 205 kg [B]